Talks by Museum Staff

In addition to the lecture programmes at Cheshire West Museums, staff are happy to give talks to local groups and societies on request.  These can be tailored to suit the occasion and audience.

To make a booking please contact the relevant member of staff.  We would prefer at least three months notice.  We normally charge for this service - currently £40 per talk, plus expenses, within the Cheshire West and Chester area.  Rates outside this area are negotiable.

The regular talks given by staff are listed below:

Peter Boughton FSA - Keeper of Art (01244) 402024
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Kathryn Riddington - Keeper of Natural History (01244) 402015
E-mail: [email protected]

Liz Royles – Keeper of Early History (01244) 402015
E-mail:  [email protected]