Events for Children and Families

You may have to book for some activities:  contact details are given where needed.

Children’s activities are aimed at 4 to 12 years unless otherwise stated.  Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Group bookings – please contact the Museum Shop 01244 972112


Monday 27 – Friday 31 October - Haunted Period House
Grosvenor Museum, Period House
Open all day - Free.

Our Period House will be slowly transformed for Halloween, one room at a time.  Pop in and see the changes over the course of the week, then see the finished house on Friday.  The Haunted Period House may be unsuitable for young children.

Monday 27 October - Halloween Masks
Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery
2-4pm - Free drop-in.

Make a scary Halloween mask in preparation for the 31st.  Visit again on Friday wearing it or fancy dress and you will receive a treat!

Tuesday 28 October - Photo-Sensitive
Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery
2-4pm - Free drop-in.

Use light-sensitive paper to make an abstract silhouette photograph of found urban objects; nuts and bolts, bottle tops, leaves and more.  You are welcome to bring your own small found objects to use, too.

Wednesday 29 October - Roman Helmets and Shields
Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery
2-4pm - Free drop-in.

Make your own helmet and shield like the ones used by Roman soldiers 2000 years ago.

Thursday 30 October - Peg Warriors
Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery
2-4pm - Free drop-in.

Make your very own Anglo-Saxon peg warrior.

Friday 31 October - Halloween Day at the Museum
Grosvenor Museum
Stories:  Art Gallery, 11-11.30am, 1-1.30pm, 3-3.30pm
Spiders and skeletons:  Newstead Gallery, 11.30am-12.30pm, 1.30-2.30pm, 3.30-4.30pm

Join us for a day of spooky goings-on in the museum.  Listen to tales of witches, goblins and ghosts, then make a creepy spider or jangly skeleton to take home.  You can also follow our Pumpkin Trail around the museum and visit our petrifying Period House.  Children in trick or treat costumes will be given a treat!  The Haunted Period House may be unsuitable for young children.

Friday 31 October - Halloween Night at the Museum
Grosvenor Museum, Period House
6.30-8.30pm:  entry 6.30-7pm, leave when you like.  For 13-18 year olds
Free, email [email protected] to guarantee your place.

Join us for an evening in our haunted house, where the ghosts of the past 400 years have come back to haunt their former home.  Come and wander around the rooms, have some food and listen to ghost stories by candlelight.  Our Period House has been spookily transformed with help from our new Youth Panel, our first event designed by teenagers, for teenagers.  Come along if you think you’re brave enough!


Saturday 29 November - Winter Watch Snow Birds
Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery
2-4pm - Free drop-in.

Make a spectacular snow bird with a streaming tail and join the fun on the Winter Watch parades.


Thursdays 4 & 11 December - Winter Watch Parade
Starts from Forum Shopping Centre
7pm - Free.

This spectacular event is based on Chester’s 15th century tradition of ‘Setting the Watch’, when the city leaders handed over the keys of Chester to the City Watch – the early police force – after processing around the city to ensure it was secure.  The Winter Watch Parade combines colourful costumes and a collection of characters to provide a popular festive event.  Celebrate Christmas with the Lord of Misrule, devils and dragons, dancing and sword fights, and a spectacular fire breathing finale.

Thursday 18 December - Saturnalia Parade
Lantern Making, Grosvenor Museum, Newstead Gallery, 5.45-6.30pm
Parade starts from Grosvenor Museum, 6.30pm

Chester is back under Roman control for the night as the Roman legion lights up the streets with a torch-lit parade.  This traditional Roman event celebrates the feast of Saturn.  It was a time of celebration, visits to friends, and gift-giving.  It was also traditional for masters and slaves to swap places, making Saturnalia very popular.  Make your own lantern and join Roman Tours/Deva Victrix legion in a parade around the city to celebrate this festival.